Let's Build the Youth was established in 2018 with the aim of addressing the socio-economic challenges faced by the youth in Desbayes Haiti. Our organization is committed to providing educational resources, mentorship programs, and sustainable initiatives that empower the local youth and contribute to the betterment of their community.
Préparer une société meilleure pour un avenir meilleur
Build a better society now for a better tomorrow.
Prepare yon sosyete ki pi bon pou yon demen pi bon
Pays / Country: Haïti
Département / Department : Centre
Arrondissement / Distric: Mirebalais
Section communale de Boucan Carré
Superficie/ Area: 143. 86 km2
Population (2020): 11,402,528 habitants dont 60% de moins de 18 ans.
Un quartier pilote / A Pilot District : Dufailly